Saturday, July 14, 2018

“Suitcase Lady”

Image result for homeless lady cartoon

The struggles the “suitcase lady” undergoes daily is living on little to nothing.
Another struggle she has is loneliness, she has a son who is 40 but will not
talk to her and they never had a connection.

My reaction if a homeless person were to ask me for money would
most likely be to give some. If I had any spare change on me I would give
it. Or if I have some food I would also try to give that. I wouldn't not know
how to behave because I deal with situations like this quite regularly
whenever I go to downtown Toronto. My parents tell me if i'm going to give
something to homeless people it should just be food. A lot of people say
the same because there is the belief that as soon as you give money to
the homeless they turn the corner and buy drugs, but that isn't always
the case. I do feel comfortable by helping them but I will not lie and say
I feel secure. There is the constant stigma made that homeless people
are erratic and can do very stupid things to people because they have
nothing to lose and I have had a few experiences myself with this so I am
sometimes on edge when I am around homeless people. But I hope I hope
I lose this feeling of insecurity because they are regular people just like me.

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