Saturday, July 14, 2018

Review of Max Beerbohm’s essay “Going Out for a Walk”

Activity Four: The Essay-Assignment One

Image result for walking cartoon
1. New word from the essay: perambulator
This is the sentence from the essay: “Even while I trotted prattling by my nurse's
side I regretted the good old days when I had, and wasn't, a perambulator
I predicted that this word means: Useless
This word means: baby transporting
I could use perambulator instead of this synonym pushchair
This is a new sentence using the word: They had a perambulator for their daughter
doll so they could stroll her down the street.

New word from the essay: deterioration
This is the sentence from the essay: “How comes it, this immediate deterioration
in those who go walking for walking's sake?”
I predicted that this word means: worn out
This word means: A process of something becoming progressively worse.
I could use deterioration instead of this synonym decline
This is a new sentence using the word: This leads to deterioration of the vehicles brakes
New word from the essay: convolutions
This is the sentence from the essay: “The brain then wraps itself up in its own
convolutions, and falls into a dreamless slumber”
I predicted that this word means: overthinking
This word means: a coil or twist
I could use convolutions instead of this synonym complication
This is a new sentence using the word: When I look at a complex math questions
my brain convolutions

New word from the essay: inherently
This is the sentence from the essay: “People seem to think there is something
inherently noble and virtuous in the desire to go for a walk”
I predicted that this word means: Very
This word means: permanent or essential
I could use inherently  instead of this synonym constitutionally
This is a new sentence using the word:leaderships are inherently demanding.

2) The distinction Beerbohm makes between going out for a walk and being taken
out for a walk, is that when you are walking yourself, your brain does not function
properly because it is working on making sure your body is functioning. When you
are being walked, as he is in his perambulator, his brain works fine. Another
difference is when you are taken for a walk you don't have a choice.

3)Beerbohm's excuse “I have some letters to write”, doesn't work for three reasons
. One being that it just is easy to tell its a lie, and anyone would be able to tell your
just saying that to get out of walking. Two being that it requires you to actually get
up and walk to your writing-table, and sit their acting as if you are going to write a
letter until the “walkmonger” leaves. Three being that this lie will not work on Sunday
mornings, “There's no post out till this evening”.

4) Max Beerbohm's essay, "Going Out for a Walk," is an informal essay, the thesis
I created is “Walking is a waste of time and serves no purpose”. I chose this as my
thesis for this essay because Max Beerbohm continuously states how pointless
walking is and that it’s a waste of time, that it “stops the brain”.

5) "Going Out for a Walk," is an informal essay. Informal essays are usually written
in the first person, where the writer would use: I, me, my. The writer uses the word
“I” ten times in the first paragraph alone. Another characteristic of an informal
essay is that the writer would write on their frequent everyday events and that
is precisely what the writer is talking about, his hate of walking. Beerbohm supports
his argument with experiences in his own life. Beerbohm explains, "Experience teaches
me that whatever a fellow-guest may have of power to instruct or to amuse when he is
sitting on a chair, or standing on a hearth-rug, quickly leaves him when he takes one
out for a walk." Furthermore, the tone of Beerbohm is perceived as angry and irritable.
He speaks about walking in a personal level. The writer concludes," I never will
go out for a walk."

6) Max Beerbohm’s states: “My objection to it is that it stops the brain”.
I believe he means that when a person goes for a walk, their brain does not
function properly, as the brain is working on keeping the persons body functioning
it doesn't work as well in other areas, like thinking and problem solving.

7) An objection that someone in todays world could use to not be taken for a walk
is a real health issue or anything that actually physically restrains them from walking.
Going for a good walk is a great way to clear and relax anyones mind, so just
because the brain isn't on high alert 24/7, isn't a bad thing at all.

An activity that is popular in today’s world is snowboarding. Two objections/reasons
that people, who do not want to engage in this activity, might give to someone who
is pestering them to be involved. One can be that they have a paranoia of being hurt,
and they would just feel comfortable and safer not participating in a risky sport like that.
Another reason someone could give is that they tried it once and had a traumatizing
experience that left them not able to do it again. I can relate to this because I broke
three bones once when I wiped out snowboarding and personally I don't think I will
ever get back on a snowboard. Maybe a tragic accident happened to Beerbohm,
which left him scarred and traumatized to ever walk again, seeing as he is in a

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