Sunday, July 15, 2018

Critique Of A Performance "A Midsummer Nights Dream" Act 1 Scene 2

Critique Of A Performance

Right away when watching this play I saw how much these actors used their body
language to show their intentions and feelings on subjects. For example Bottom
was behaving very rude and obnoxiously just as I said he should, but I did not
expect for him to be behaving like that so early into the play. I also noticed very
quickly that many of these lines were intended for comedy, but I earlier did not realize
this. The players kept using their body languages a lot throughout this scene. Even
when nothing serious was happening they were still waving around their arms in
exclamation. I Predicted that when Flute found out he was to play a women that he
would have a fit and be very upset, but the actor was very calm and didnt have a serious
reaction at all. I was correct that Quince would maintain the roll of authority and
leadership throughout this scene. Quince maintained a professional attitude and his
actor portrayed him very well. I thought that the characters were going to portray
themselves to be “manly”, given their physical work fields, but they were not. I was
not aware of how much comedic purpose that Bottom served in this scene. I was correct
that Bottom would have an attitude towards Quinces leadership and second guess
everything Quince had to say. I thought he would be more sarcastic though. Reading
this play I thought that Quince would be the centre of attention but Bottom is. My only
advice to improve the quality of this scene is for the actors, especially Bottom to stop
waving their arms around so much, it is okay to use body language to express certain
moments, but it just doesn't look like to be constantly shaking your arms and yelling
during unimportant moments.

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