Sunday, July 15, 2018

"A Midsummer Nights Dream" Act 3 Scene 2 Images of Sight

Image Cluster Chosen:  Images of sight
Image result for a midsummer night's dream
Lines in 3.2.
Oberon: “And Helena of Athens look thou find: [95]
All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer,
With sighs of love, that costs the fresh blood dear:
By some illusion see thou bring her here:
I'll charm his eyes against she do appear”.
Helena of Athens, joyful and beautiful.
Image result for helena a midsummer night's dream
This shows the audience how Oberon feels about Helena.
Helena: “Two lovely berries moulded on one stem;
So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart;
Two of the first, like coats in heraldry”.
Two berries together on a stem. Although they look separated the berries are connected through the stem.
Image result for two berries
This shows the the audience the level of obsession Helena has over Demetrius.
Lysander: “Fair Helena, who more engilds the night”
Image of Helena shining brighter than stars in the night.
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This shows the audience the love that Lysander had for Helena.
Robin: “While she was in her dull and sleeping hour”.
Image of Titania sleeping in her bed.
Image result for titania a midsummer
Shows the audience Titiana resting calmly in her sleep.
Demetrius “I had rather give his carcass to my hounds.”
Image of hounds eating human remains. 
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This can expose the audience to Demetrius’ cruelty. This shows the evil in him.
Lysander “I follow’d fast, but faster he did fly; /That fallen am I in dark uneven way/ And here will rest me.” Image of the chaos beginning when Puck leads the young Athenians into the darkness.
Image result for chaos
As Lysander collapses, audience will feel confused and hopeless.
Puck: “Here she comes, curst and sad:
Cupid is a knavish lad”
Image of Hermia returning upset.
Image result for hermia midsummer night's dream
Audience is preparing to hear what the sad Hermia had to do or say.
Robin “As wild geese that the creeping fowler eye,
Or russet-pated choughs, many in sort,
Rising and cawing at the gun’s report.”
His friends ran away like ducks from a gunshot. 
Image result for ducks flying
Shows how scared the characters were, and that they ran away very fast.
Demetrius “Oh, how ripe in show
Thy lips, those kissing cherries, tempting grow!”
The lips are as ripe as too cherries kissing.
Image result for cherries

By saying that the lips are sweet the audience understands that they want to kiss each other. This shows emotions between characters.

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