Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Love Conquers All

After completing my English course, I believe  the main theme of ENG-3U1, is love conquers all. 
Image result for heart happy
Memoir: In my memoir I wrote about how I kept my persistence up and kept doing something I loved and did not give up on myself. Writing that memoir about me catching my first fish reminded me of how hard it was to accomplish my dream of catching a fish and all the obstacles in my way. I stayed true to my dream and my love for fishing conquered the challenges.
 Image result for happy fish
Going out for a walk: In "Going Out For a Walk" written by Max Beerbohm, He shared his story on why he believes walking is pointless. Although he personally did not like walking that did not mean he was going to discriminate and hate people who do. He respected people that walk and just voiced his opinion. He showed love by not telling people they are stupid for not agreeing with him.
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Growing up Native: This was definitely a very emotional book reflecting on the racism and discrimination that Native people have had to endure. Although the author spoke on factual evidence of Natives being discriminated, she believes and hopes for a future where all humans can learn to love and accept each other no matter the: race, culture, or gender. Geddes sends and teaches this message with love.
Image result for native
Suitcase Lady: A very good example of love being shown in this book, is when the waitress gives free food to the homeless women despite her looking bad and making others think badly of the restaurant. The suitcase lady also showed that love conquers all because instead of focusing on the negative things in her life she would think about only positive things and try to set herself in that mindset.
Image result for suitcase lady
A midsummer Nights Dream: William Shakespeare's "A midsummer Nights Dream" contains many messages of love in it. There were two love stories within the play and both couples threw away everything they had to be with one another, conquering all obstacles in their way.  
Image result for a midsummer night's dream
The Kite Runner: The Kite runner is a book of many mixed emotions. Love is shown in the book between Amir, Hassan, and Baba. In the end Amir went back to save his friend Hassan out of love for their friendship.

My favorite quote from the Bible about love is, 
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35

We shouldn't only apply this theme of love conquering all just to this course. But to everything we do on a day to day basis in our lives. Think about how amazing life on earth would be if that was the mentality we all shared with each other.

Image result for cross with heart

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