Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Amir Monologue "The Kite Runner"

Amir Monologue
Image result for amir the kite runner
I have Chosen Amir as my minor character in Hassan's rape sene. My monologue will begin on page 64 of chapter seven after, “He moved his head slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it. It was a look I had seen before. It was the look of the lamb.”

As Hassan laid pinned to the ground like a rabid dog, I was paralyzed throughout my entire body. I looked at his eyes and I have never seen so much terror and fear before in my life. My heart was racing, and I could only imagine what he was going through. As I watched like a coward, Assef began to unbuckle himself and Hassan. I wanted to throw up knowing what was about to happen to the only loyal friend I had, after all he could of stopped it all if he betrayed me by just giving Assef the blue kite. But I knew Hassan is too loyal to ever even consider putting himself before me.

Hassan’s whimpering and crying made me sick to my stomach. It will be a sound I will never forget. I hoped that he would just stop making those terrifying whimpering noises because they only made me feel guiltier by the second. I couldn't handle it and wanted to run home but I could not leave Hassan by himself.

As I kept watching, as a terrible friend I began to think, “I cannot move, I cannot breathe, and I don't know what to do. Should I help him after all he has done for me, especially if the roles were reversed he wouldn't even take a moment to think about helping me, he just would. He has helped me millions of times throughout my life and I have treated him no better than my servant’s son, I am a shameful friend. I need to find something or someone else to blame for this, Baba. Baba is who is responsible for this not me, definitely not me. All I have ever wanted to do is live up to Baba, and make him proud of me, but all he does is make constant insults and behave mean to me. All my life I have been searching for the acceptance from Baba, and I know that the blue kite is a mandatory step of the road to that acceptance. But it will cost the only true friend I have ever known, the limitless days we spent having fun, joking, pranking and having a good time. I would never be the friend to Hassan that he was for me and I will forever be shameful for using him the way I do, and never helping him in his time of need, especially right now. But I have to choose, Baba or Hassan the Hazara, who will never be respected by anyone and most likely drag me down in my future. I have two options, either I get up like a true friend and stop the horrifying acts done upon my only friend. Or do I get up cowardly and go home and let Hassan bring me my kite and pretend like I have no idea what just happened to him. I have come to my conclusion. I will leave and let Hassan deal with this himself and allow him to bring me the blue kite, the prize I worked so hard for, and my ticket to Baba's heart. I do like Hassan, but Baba is far more important to me and I hope that If Hassan ever found out about this, he would agree that I needed to do this. I would help Hassan If I had it in me, but I don't. Hassan Is a Hazara, and I am a Pashtun, I will not throw away my relationship with Baba for a Hazara.”

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